Name registration authority for Norwegian identifiers used in digital certificates
This page defines a national scheme for assigning nationally recognized identifiers to natural persons in Norway. Such identifiers shall identify a natural person uniquely and are to be used in the serialNumber attribute in the subject field of digital certificates issued to Norwegian citizens to be compliant with the Norwegian SEID certificate profile.
This scheme is managed partly by the Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) and partly by Norwegian Certificate Issuers issuing digital certificates compliant with the SEID profile.
Norwegian citizens are assigned a national identifier number (NIN) by national authorities. However, the NINs are considered to be privacy sensitive information and there is a common understanding in Norway that the NIN should not be published in digital certificates.
Instead, each Certificate Issuer may assign an issuer specific identifier for each natural person applying for certificates from this issuer according to this scheme.
This scheme is considered appropriate for national and European level and defined as "UN:NO" according to ETSI EN 319 412-1. The structure of the identifier is the prefix "UN:NO-" followed by 3 elements separated with the hyphen character ('-'):
- UN:NO-<9578>-<Issuer identifier>-<Issuer specific identifier>
The first element (<9578>) represents a country code for Norway and is originating from historical versions of the SEID profile.
The second element (<Issuer identifier>) identifies the Certificate Issuer and this identifier is assigned and managed by Nkom. The identifier is a 4-digit number and the following issuer identifiers are currently assigned:
- 3000-3010 Telia
- 4000-4010 ZebSign AS
- 4050 Buypass AS
- 4100 Politidirektoratet
- 4500-4510 Commfides Norge AS
- 5990 Sbanken ASA
- 5991 SEB Privatbanken ASA
- 5992 Handelsbanken
- 5993 Bankenes ID-tjeneste AS
- 5994 Danske Bank
- 5995 Eika Gruppen AS
- 5996 Gjensidige NOR
- 5997 SpareBank 1 Utvikling DA
- 5998 Nordea Bank Abp, filial I Norge
- 5999 DNB Bank ASA
The range 5000-5999 is reserved for use within the BankID cooperation network in Norway.
The third element (<Issuer specific identifier>) is an issuer specific identifier and each Certificate Issuer may assign identifiers according to their own policy. Each Certificate Issuer shall be able to map such an identifier to the corresponding NIN and may provide such mapping as a service according to the SEID specifications (e.g. by OCSP requests using specific extensions). Contact the Certificate Issuers for more specific information about how to find this mapping.